A Greensborough man has officially entered his seventh year of mourning as he struggles to come to terms with the loss of a favourite hoodie that inexplicably went missing from his wardrobe. Kane Lewis says that his favourite navy blue hoodie “just vanished” in the October of 2014, as he faced the annual transition from a cold Watsonia winter into warmer weather in which hoodies were no longer a daily necessity.

Bravely sharing his story with The Watsonia Bugle, Lewis said, “You know how it is, I didn’t realise straight away that it was missing. So, it was very difficult to pinpoint exactly where I lost it. But I searched everywhere. Went through me car, like, 10 times in that first fortnight, and then expanded the search to my parent’s, my girlfriend’s house, and the local parks.”

While Lewis claimed that he had mentally accepted that he’d never see his beloved hoodie again, he still held out hopes that it would miraculously appear in an old storage box, under the house, or that mysterious slip of atmosphere that exists between the wall and the chest of drawers. He said, “Who knows mate, maybe it’s out there somewhere. Maybe it misses me as much as I miss it. A man can only hope.”